Thursday, September 25, 2014

San Jose Business Lawyer

The Onu Law Firm provides services to sole proprietors, partnerships, and corporations in the development and implementation of asset protection, growth strategies, and personnel management. The Onu Law firm has the expertise needed to maintain your business and expand revenue possibility and opportunity.

If you’re in need of a business or corporate lawyer in San Francisco, the Onu Law Firm represents national, regional, and local clients on the following business matters:

Mergers and Acquisitions Business Sale or Purchase Business Entity Formation and Governance Riasing Capital Business Plan Analysis and Review Development Assistance, review and enforcement of a wide-range of business related contracts: Partnership Agreements, Licensing Agreements, Sale or Purchase of Goods, Vendor Contracts and Employee Contracts Investor Representation, Venture Financing and Financial Feasibility and Validation Asset Protection and Investment Law Business Dissolution General Counsel Legal Services

Contact the San Francisco Business Lawyers at the Onu Law Firm if you are in need of immediate assistance in the matters listed above.

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